How To Stop Osteoporosis


Not only is it possible to stop this debilitating disease from progressing, following the program outlined in this report will increase your bone density significantly, and should over time, enable you to achieve optimal bone density. The medicines your doctors push don’t work. The websites pushing a special calcium with maybe some strontium and vitamin D won’t get the job done either. There’s more to beating osteoporosis than they would like you to believe.

Six years ago this report on osteoporosis was started. We knew of some excellent supplements. We researched what the alternative MDs were using. And developed a comprehensive protocol. It helped plenty of people improve their bone density. But few, if any, completely reversed their osteoporosis. This got us thinking. We noticed that while these alternative MDs always had plenty of success stories about reversing cancer (by the way, is a 90 page report about the causes cancer and how to beat it), and many other health issues, there are few if any testimonials about people reversing osteoporosis completely. So what was going on?

They were right on the mark about most of their osteoporosis suggestions. Recommending a slew of supplements, exercise, and diet changes to increase bone density since just one or two products are not going to get the job done. To both men and women, these alternative MDs explained why you should not take any of the drugs being pushed by the regular doctors. Not only don’t they work, they are actually harmful, with nasty side effects.

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There are a couple of reasons why the protocols recommended by alternative MDs who are doing the right things don’t work as well as they could. As you will see, there is no question why the prescription drugs don’t work. There’s no question why just taking some calcium, no matter how well absorbed it is, is not going to work as well. But what the folks who know in general what they are doing, who suggest a comprehensive protocol to deal with a complex condition, are missing, is twofold.

First, many don’t take into account that the magnesium / calcium ratio is out of balance in almost everyone who has osteoporosis. And you’ve got to be working on getting that ratio adjusted right off the bat or nothing else will help all that much.

Second, osteoporosis is, on the whole, an older person’s disease. It is slow to progress and thus, slow to reverse. As we age our ability to recover from injury of any type, decreases. So it is difficult to reverse osteoporosis because your body is not sending out instructions to rapidly repair the bones.

What makes the program recommended in this report revolutionary is the large number of unique supplements and products we introduce to you that have the ability to turn on that repair and regeneration process in many different ways.

But let’s get started with a few basics, the things that lead to osteoporosis. And just so you know you are not alone, here are a few statistics.

o Osteoporosis affects an estimated 10 to 28 million Americans over the age of 50.

o 33 million people, mostly women, are afflicted with low bone density.

o Close to 1.2 million bone fractures in the United States each year are related to osteoporosis.

o 50,000 people die each year from post-fracture complications.

o As many as one-fifth of people suffering from osteoporosis end up in nursing homes.

What's more…

Women are extremely vulnerable to osteoporosis.

o At menopause, bone loss can range from 4% to 8%.

o A common consequence of osteoporosis is the collapsing of the bones in the spine, called compression fractures - but also known as a “dowager hump.”

o Every year 300,000 women suffer hip fractures due to weakened bones from osteoporosis. Within a year approximately one-fifth of those will die. Half of the survivors never fully recover, and eventually require nursing care. Clearly, osteoporosis is not something to ignore.

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“...Also, I have excellent news. I got the results of the bone density "dexa" scan which was done on 2/25. I no longer have osteoporosis! The results came back normal. I had been on Fosomax since 3/03 which would have been seven years, as I went off of it when I started your program. The last bone density test before this one was in 12/08. At that point, my T-score results were -.82 in the femur/hip and -2.71 in the spine. My latest results are -.4 femur/hip and +.4 spine. I am so excited. Now, since this is my final month, I want to know what the "maintenance" plan is, as I certainly don't want to slip back. I can either discuss this when I call next week for my first shipment of the maintenance protocol, or you can e-mail me back and let me know what to order. I can't thank you enough for these wonderful results, and the fact that I was able to stop that terrible drug. You have a wonderful program, a bit expensive, but worth every penny, and I learned a lot about healthy bones. “
Karen O.

The online alternative health store where you can find all of the products listed on this site is called Get Healthy Again

Many of them you can't find anywhere else as they are unique.
To get pricing on these supplements, or to purchase them, go to

Boost Bone Density Store

Or Call 1-800-832-9755
Call 001-800-832-9755 to order internationally

To having healthy bones again!