As you can see, and will learn even more about in this report, osteoporosis has definite causes that can be corrected so that the activity and the amount of bone building osteoblasts increase, and the amount of bone dissolving osteoclasts decrease. One way this happens is by increasing your magnesium intake and reducing calcium intake so that your body will start putting more calcium into bones.
Osteoporosis is a reversible disease. Even elderly people with very low bone density can increase density and prevent future problems like fractures and skeletal breakdown. Take a look at this email from Tanya whose mother was using of our earlier suggestions.
“We are thrilled to let you know some fabulous news.
A little over 15 months ago, I found your site on behalf of my then 74-year-old mother. She has suffered from Atypical Basiliar Migraines and SEVERE Osteoporosis for over 10 years now. After being discharged from the hospital (she has had several visits back to back for years), we decided to take it upon ourselves to have another bone density test done. The readings were horrible. The Osteoporosis Center here in Georgia wanted her to start taking Actonel immediately. I was furious. I knew there had to be a better way. My heavens, you certainly proved that to be true! We are so thankful to have found you! ...
She has consistently taken these supplements. She has NOT exercised nor taken any other supplements. We went in for her 18-month check-up and walked out leaving the nurse in shock! My mother's bone density had grown 3.5% in one year! They have never seen such aggressive results. Thank you, Robert.”
Tanya J.
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Commercial Medications Are Harmful
There is common agreement, every alternative health MD says to stay away from the osteoporosis drugs. If you are still considering taking them after reading the brief explanations below, do some extensive research online.
There are two types of osteoporosis drugs. The majority are Biphosphonate drugs, like Fosamax, Actonel and Boniva. These work by stopping the production of osteoclasts which are supposed to resorb old, infirm bone. So when you take these medications, your bones may stay denser, but they will be composed of a higher amount of old, poor quality bone cells which makes them over time brittle and weak. You must have balanced bone resorption and creation. These drugs create weak bones. The proof is in the pudding. Google fosamax problems and read about dead jaw bones and thigh bones that break. In 2008, a report was issued that studied the long-term use of Fosamax and unusual fractures of the femur – the long bone of the thigh. Ten out of the 15 women studied had atypical fractures of the femur – the long bone in the thigh – from doing nothing more than “low energy activities” such as walking up stairs. They had been taking Fosamax for an average of 7.3 years. The findings were published in the March 2008 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. Remarkably, on March 10, 2010 the FDA issued a statement about these atypical femur fractures associated with Fosamax and other oral bisphosphonates. The agency said that the review of the data did not show an increased risk for women using the medications. I don’t know how 10 fractures out of 15 women is not an increased risk, but I guess its not when highly profitable drugs are on the line.
There has been a remarkable lack of success with these biphosphonate drugs. Yes, it’s true, they do a poor job of increasing bone density. So a drug Forteo was developed that worked not by turning off the creation of osteoclasts so that bone cells weren’t resorbed into the body, but worked by increasing the activity of the osteoblasts to lay down more bone. Sounds good, doesn’t it. Assuming you can live with all the side effects that come with using it. And wanted to give yourself a daily injection.
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Well there was one minor problem. In the animal studies with rats used to prove its safety, it was found to cause an increase in the risk of an aggressive bone cancer. So much so that the animal studies were stopped after two years when these cancers started to develop. So the FDA limited its use in humans to 2 years or less. Research shows that in these two years there can significant increases in bone density, but that once these injections are stopped, the research is clear that these gains are lost. And for all anyone knows, you may have set yourself up for developing bone cancer down the road.
There are also other prescription drugs that block the absorption of calcium into bones. Prednisone and other steroids do this. They are commonly used to treat autoimmune, asthma, and inflammatory diseases.
The anti-coagulant Warfarin, also known as Coumadin, works by inhibiting vitamin K production. It is often prescribed for reducing high blood pressure, to keep blood flowing where there is calcification of the arteries. One role of vitamin K is to take calcium in the blood and to direct it to the bone. When vitamin K is turned off, the calcium is more likely to stay in the arteries, causing potentially, calcification, and a decrease in bone density. A 2006 retrospective study of 14,564 Medicare recipients showed that warfarin use for more than one year was linked with a 60% increased risk of osteoporosis-related fracture in men; there was no association in women. So for some reason this may be more common in men.
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Check Blood Calcium Levels At Some Point
There is one issue you should check the next time you go to your doctor. About 1 in 50,000 people have a problem with their parathyroid gland. When it malfunctions, it forms a small tumor that constantly signals the body to pull calcium from the bones. Fortunately, there is a simple way to determine whether you have this issue or not. Get your blood calcium levels checked. If they are high, a parathyroid tumor is the probable cause of your osteoporosis.
You may decide to have an operation to get rid of this malfunctioning gland. Or, there is a supplement we know of that can help dissolve the tumor over a period of about 4 months. You would need 2 containers of PapayaPro. It contains mature green papaya powder supplying an enzyme which, when taken on an empty stomach, goes into your body and dissolves tumorous tissue, wherever it happens to be.
Basic LifeStyle Changes To Help Reverse Osteoporosis
There are several things you can start doing right now that will help your body increase bone density or at least stop it from decreasing further.
1. Stop drinking soft drinks.
Soft drinks are high in phosphoric acid and sugar, making these drinks highly acidic. Calcium is the main mineral the body uses to neutralize that acid. So drinking soft drinks and eating an acidic diet high in meat and grains requires the use of blood calcium to neutralize the acids. Calcium used for this is pulled out of the body with the acid it neutralizes. This lowers blood calcium levels. If the levels get too low, the parathyroid gland restores calcium balance in the blood by pulling calcium from your bones.
Soft drinks aren't the only culprits, either. A diet high in meat and carbohydrates, with few greens or fruits will be highly acidic also, causing the body to utilize calcium to neutralize the acids.
Most grains are acid-forming, except millet and buckwheat, which are slightly alkaline. Sprouted seeds and grains become more alkaline in the process of sprouting. Vegetable and fruit juices are highly alkaline. The most alkaline producing foods are: figs, juices of all green vegetables and tops of carrots and beets, celery, pineapple and citrus juices. Vegetable broth.
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2. Reduce consumption of dairy products. (Or take extra magnesium when you do so.)
For over 50 years milk was pitched as a wonder food whose calcium was the only protection we needed against weak bones. Yet Americans, with one of the world’s high calcium intakes, have one of the highest rates of osteoporosis in the world.
African women in the United States eat at least four times more calcium than African women in Africa, and have nine times more osteoporosis. Asian women in the United States eat at least 60% more calcium than Asian women in Asia, and have three times more osteoporosis. Calcium consumption in Hong Kong and Greece doubled in the last 30 years, and the rate of osteoporosis tripled in Hong Kong, and more than doubled in Greece.
Post-menopausal women in America who consume calcium rich dairy products have over three times more osteoporosis than those who do not. The Harvard Nurses Study, and a similar study done by the dairy industry found that the more dairy products we consume, the more bone we lose.
Another study concluded that women who drank two or more glasses of milk per day increased their risk of fractures compared with women who drank less than one glass per week, and that consumption of yogurt, cheese and other dairy products also increased the risk of fractures.
This is because dairy products have about 10 times more calcium than magnesium.
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3. Increase Magnesium Intake
As we have said several times, the Western diet is low in magnesium and high in calcium. This results in an imbalance of magnesium and calcium in your body that for most people is the single most important cause of bone loss. Remember, magnesium suppresses PTH and stimulates calcitonin so magnesium works to keep calcium in our bones. Magnesium deficiency will prevent this chemical action from taking place, and no amount of calcium can correct it. In other words, no matter what the osteoporosis websites say about their highly absorbed calcium preventing osteopososis, it just isn’t so. For this reason.
Magnesium is necessary for calcium absorption. On the other hand, too much calcium prevents magnesium from being absorbed. So taking large amounts of calcium without adequate magnesium creates calcium malabsorption and a magnesium deficiency. Only magnesium can break the cycle. Only it, when taken in proper doses, can get calcium into the bones. Low magnesium intake causes the calcium you get in your diet or take as a supplement to be unusable. It must have magnesium to get into your bones. Low magnesium intake causes calcium to be deposited in arteries, joints, and leads to bone spurs or kidney stones. This leads to stress, heart arythmia, poor circulation and more.
Rates of osteoporosis are lowest in cultures where the ratio of calcium to magnesium is between 2 parts calcium to 3 parts magnesium, down to as much as 3 parts calcium to 2 parts magnesium. The ratio of calcium to magnesium in dairy products is 10:1, way too high.
In nations with high rates of osteoporosis, the ratio of total calcium to magnesium intake is at least 2:1, usually over 3:1. For example…
o South Africa has a ratio of 2 parts calcium to 3 parts magnesium, and has an osteoporosis rate of 7.
o In the USA, the ratio is 4 parts calcium to 1 part magnesium and the osteoporosis rate is 144.
o In dairy-loving Switzerland, the ratio is 5.5 calcium to 1 magnesium and the rate is 188.
We can’t say this enough. Lack of magnesium causes calcium to be pulled from the bones. This calcium, and the calcium from supplements and your diet, is when there is magnesium deficiency, all too often deposited in soft tissue, where it can cause arthritis and arteriosclerosis. The fastest way to reverse this process is to take an absorbable magnesium supplement for several months with no calcium and reduce dairy intake. This will most quickly pull out the unwanted calcium from arteries and joints, and help to put it back in your bones where it belongs.
Contrary to what you might expect, research shows that consuming magnesium may actually increase usable calcium levels in your body. In experiments reported in "International Clinical Nutrition Review," volunteers on a low-magnesium diet were given both calcium and vitamin D supplements. All of them were low in magnesium. What is interesting is this. Even though they had been given calcium supplements, all but one became deficient in calcium. Even when they were given calcium intravenously, the level of calcium in their blood rose, but only for the duration of the intravenous feeding. As soon as the intravenous calcium was stopped, the levels of calcium in the blood dropped.
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However, when magnesium was given, their magnesium levels rose and stabilized rapidly, and calcium levels also rose within a few days - although no additional calcium had been taken.
This is because you must have adequate magnesium to utilize calcium. Yet if your intake of calcium is too high, it will both pull magnesium from your body and result in low levels of usable calcium because calcium must have magnesium to work.
A magnesium-rich diet consists of nuts, whole grains, not refined as you loose the magnesium in the refining, such as brown rice, whole wheat, and rye, and legumes including lentils, split peas, and a varieties of beans. A whole grain cereal or bread in the morning, a cup of bean soup at lunch, a snack of a few nuts, and serving of brown rice, millet, or buckwheat with dinner should help increase magnesium when a deficiency is suspected. This won’t be enough to reverse osteoporosis, but it is a step in the right direction, and is a preventative.
On the average, a vegan diet (no meat or milk) provides about 500 mg. per day of both calcium and magnesium. Studies show that vegans have stronger bones then meat and milk product eaters, especially after the age of 50.
Studies also show that magnesium supplements, even when used without calcium, increase bone density. In two such studies, bone density was increased, within nine months, by 7% and 8%. Another study, by renowned gynecologist Guy Abraham, provided a supplement that included 500 mg. per day of calcium, and 600 mg. of magnesium. Women using this supplement increased bone mass by over 11% within nine months.
Dr. Abraham has found strong evidence to suggest that women with osteoporosis have a deficiency of a chemical that is made when they take twice as much magnesium as calcium. And he has found that, as you might now suspect, when calcium intake is decreased, the calcium in your body is utilized better than when intake is high.
Absorbable Calcium Alone Will Not Reverse Osteoporosis
If you’ve been researching osteoporosis online, you’ll have come across many companies and websites that claim their one calcium product can take care of osteoporosis or increase bone density on its own. As you have read in this report, this is virtually impossible to happen if your magnesium levels are low. Doctors who tell you to take Fosamax and 1500 mg of calcium a day also are clueless about the consequences of taking a lot of calcium and little to no calcium. No wonder people don’t get better.
In this report we try to find the most effective supplements we can. The calcium - magnesium supplement we recommend is as good as any out there, and certainly better than most. But even so, it is not enough to just use it if you are trying to reverse osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is more complicated than this.
As you will see, just taking any old calcium supplement is not the answer. Combining many supplements will help you reverse or prevent osteoporosis because they work on different issues. And they work better than the more common toxic drugs because they address the real underlying causes of osteoporosis.
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4. Reduce stress
Cortisol is a hormone produced when your body is under stress. Excess cortisol causes calcium to be pulled from the bones. In this day and age, it isn’t easy to reduce stress, so excess cortisol may also be initiating the pull of calcium your bones.
5. Get More Sun - Increase Vitamin D Intake
Increasing levels of vitamin D in your body can be as simple as getting a lot more sun, if you live in the south. However, to be on the safe side, as it is indeed inexpensive, supplementing with vitamin D is a must.
6. Eat Greens - Increase Vitamin K Intake
Not only are leafy greens a good source of magnesium, but they also supply vitamin K. Eat more of them. When you are trying to greatly increase bone density, adding vitamin K as a supplement makes sense. Vitamin K2 is the best form to use, but Vitamin K1 is much less expensive and your body makes K2 from it, so just take a bit extra K1 and you’ll save some money.
7. Do Weight Bearing Exercises
It is crucial that you make exercise, along with your supplements, a part of your lifestyle to combat bone loss.
Some of the best exercise for osteoporosis are those that involve activities with a high muscular-load component such as: weight lifting and weight bearing activities where you have to support your own body weight, and any activities that pulls or pushes on the muscles and, in effect, the bones.Those people who participate in these activities tend to have higher bone mass than those who participate in non-weight bearing activities.
Weight-Bearing Exercises impact your bones every time your feet touch the ground. Any exercise where your legs are supporting your body weight is a weight-bearing exercise. A few examples are walking, playing tennis, dancing and climbing stairs.
Postural Exercises help improve your body alignment and height as well as relieve pain. People with osteoporosis often develop a stooped posture. This will cause Neck, back and shoulder pain, poor body image and feeling older than you are.
Balance Exercises protect your bones by preventing you from falling. Poor balance isn't just a problem of the elderly. If you don't exercise regularly you begin to gradually lose your balance, even before the age of 50!
Strength Training just twice a week has been shown to dramatically decrease the risk of fracture in postmenopausal women. Your hips, spine and wrists are the most vulnerable to fractures, so be sure to include exercises that strengthen these areas in your repertoire of exercises for osteoporosis.
Relaxation Techniques can be very helpful in combating the anxiety, fear and depression that living with osteoporosis may cause. In addition learning breathing techniques can help offset the decrease in lung function that a stooped posture and protruding abdomen create. So while you might not consider these exercises for osteoporosis - they are.
POSITIONS TO AVOID:For those diagnosed with osteoporosis it is generally recommended that you avoid most flexion and rotation exercises involving the spine such as twisting at the waist especially while holding any weight.
Osteoporosis took a long time to develop. It will take a long time to reverse. And it is not easy to reverse as it is complex and most people go about trying to deal with it in a manner that doesn’t work. It is not their fault. There just has not been much good advice out there. To effectively increase bone density, you need to follow a comprehensive program that works.
So let's take a look at a complete and effective osteoporosis fighting regime. What sets this program apart from other comprehensive programs you may read about is both effective products and the many ways that are included to enhance the production and activity of bone building osteoblasts. In addition, best and fastest results will come when you use a phased or staged approach. It’s not as simple, but it works much better.
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Limits to the accuracy of bone density tests.
Dr. Frank Shallenberger, a well known altermative MD, makes the point that comparing bone density tests is many times inaccurate because they tests must be taken at exactly the same spot on the same bone. He writes, “The technician must aim the X-ray at the exact same spot on the same bone. If you’re just one-sixteenth of an inch off, you can get different results even if your overall bone health hasn’t changed.
I see this all the time when I look at prior bone density tests of my new patients. The tests show that the density went up in four different places — but also went down in four different places.”
solution to determine if you are going in the right direction is to get a
N-telopeptide test. This is a urine test that measures how much bone
you’re losing. If N-telopeptide is too high in the urine, your rate of
bone loss is too high. Another good thing about this test is that you
can do it every few weeks if you want. It generally takes about 4 to 6
weeks to see improvement in this test when you start on an osteoporosis
reversal protocol. This enables you to see if what you are doing is
working without have to wait a year of two till your next dexa scan.
For our recommended products and protocol...
The online alternative health store where you can find all of the products listed on this site is called Get Healthy Again
Many of them you can't find anywhere else as they are unique.
To get pricing on these supplements, or to purchase them, go to
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To having healthy bones again!